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Thread: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

  1. #2821
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by Amos Moses View Post
    If your goal is to by-pass Dallas from I-20 east, take US69 at Lindale, go thru Mineola then over to Greenville, then over to US380. It takes you thru McKinney, over US75, and finally over to Denton. It doesn't bypass Denton, but connects to I35.

    As far as traffic circles, Dallas attempted one at Northwest Highway and Denton Drive/Harry Hines Blvd. and it was FUBAR. They finally did away with it in late 70's or early 80's. You got on it and so did about 5 other streets, spun around and ATTEMPTED to get right so you could exit at your street. Accidents galore and nothing but frustrated drivers. I lived about a half mile away from it and had to spin thru the damn thing daily for a while. No thanks!
    We have tried that route twice. Last time it took us 3 hrs 35 mins to go 113 miles. The intersection on US380 at Prosper is where they most need a traffic circle.

    The traffic circles in Washington DC are a hoot! Got honked at, cussed at a few times, but then they are multiple lanes with staggered traffic lights, one of which I ran because I thought the green light was mine...wrong. Albany, New York has a bunch of traffic circles, with right-of-way backwards to what I am used to. Here you yield to enter the circle have the ROW to exit. There it's just the opposite. Took me all of....hmmm....once to get used to it.

  2. #2822
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by dawg80 View Post
    We have tried that route twice. Last time it took us 3 hrs 35 mins to go 113 miles. The intersection on US380 at Prosper is where they most need a traffic circle.
    We tried it one time. Looking at a map, it looks promising. It wasn't. We never really stopped moving, which was kind of the goal, but it took much longer than staying on I-20, Hwy 80, 635, etc.. even with the normal drive time stalls.

  3. #2823
    Champ Amos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond reputeAmos Moses has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by PawDawg View Post
    We tried it one time. Looking at a map, it looks promising. It wasn't. We never really stopped moving, which was kind of the goal, but it took much longer than staying on I-20, Hwy 80, 635, etc.. even with the normal drive time stalls.
    I go that way a lot. I am surprised to hear you say it was longer than going thru Dallas via LBJ (I-635). Another route if you want to bypass LBJ is to take the Bush Turnpike over to I-35 just north of North LBJ. It is a toll road but misses all the idiots on LBJ. You do, however, still have to go thru Farmer's Branch and Lewisville on I-35.

  4. #2824
    Progressive King of 2011 Dawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond repute Dawgpix's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by PawDawg View Post
    Rayville Pilot is an easy in and easy out for Trucks...Now better with the new traffic circle, but it must not matter because they are always full. So it the cluster at Pilot West Monroe...and the Pilot at DFM's favorite town in Bossier Parish is always rockin'...I HAWTE Pilot because they are always the first to price gouge on gasoline.
    Wait! In May, The Pilot east of Leeds Buc-ee's was 15 cents cheaper than the Beav. I thought Buc-ee's was all about being the loss leader on gas.
    Louisiana Tech University
    Flagship of the University of Louisiana System

  5. #2825
    Super Moderator PawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond repute PawDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    My opinion is based on personal experience with the WM Pilot. They change their prices based on what gas prices are expected to be in 3-5 days not what they actually paid for what they have on hand. Almost all retailers increase pump prices when the tanker unloads at the location.

  6. #2826
    Progressive King of 2011 Dawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond repute Dawgpix's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by PawDawg View Post
    My opinion is based on personal experience with the WM Pilot. They change their prices based on what gas prices are expected to be in 3-5 days not what they actually paid for what they have on hand. Almost all retailers increase pump prices when the tanker unloads at the location.
    Know someone who works at one of the Brookshire's/super1 stores. She reports in to the manager on what prices she saw driving in that morning. Pricing is adjusted accordingly.
    Louisiana Tech University
    Flagship of the University of Louisiana System

  7. #2827
    Super Moderator PawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond repute PawDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by Dawgpix View Post
    Know someone who works at one of the Brookshire's/super1 stores. She reports in to the manager on what prices she saw driving in that morning. Pricing is adjusted accordingly.
    Yes I’ve noticed the Brookshire peeps and neighborhood markets stay together. Murphy USA and Raceway do the same

  8. #2828
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by PawDawg View Post
    My opinion is based on personal experience with the WM Pilot. They change their prices based on what gas prices are expected to be in 3-5 days not what they actually paid for what they have on hand. Almost all retailers increase pump prices when the tanker unloads at the location.
    Yep, gasoline is a commodity and pricing is based on "futures." Prices at the pump are determined by several factors including what the price/gallon is going to be when the station will buy the next tanker load. The market is also a big factor, of course, but all the stations are playing the same pricing game.

  9. #2829
    Super Moderator PawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond repute PawDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by dawg80 View Post
    but all the stations are playing the same pricing game.
    That was my point...Pilot in West Monroe does not play the same pricing game as the rest. Pilot in general is higher than most other large fuel retailers.

  10. #2830
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by PawDawg View Post
    That was my point...Pilot in West Monroe does not play the same pricing game as the rest. Pilot in general is higher than most other large fuel retailers.
    Never really paid that close of attention but I thought Pilot generally has "good" prices as compared to others. I know both CONOCO and Phillips 66 have higher prices than the local markets. I own stock in both but never buy gas from them!

    Recently we were traveling, low on gas, and saw a station with 2.99 gas. Thought, okay, that's pretty good. Pumped in about 27 gallons at a cost of $82. We get back on the highway, drive 3 miles and see a Walmart with 2.97 gas. Dern! Heck! Could have saved .54!

  11. #2831
    Progressive King of 2011 Dawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond repute Dawgpix's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by dawg80 View Post
    Yep, gasoline is a commodity and pricing is based on "futures." Prices at the pump are determined by several factors including what the price/gallon is going to be when the station will buy the next tanker load. The market is also a big factor, of course, but all the stations are playing the same pricing game.
    Quote Originally Posted by PawDawg View Post
    That was my point...Pilot in West Monroe does not play the same pricing game as the rest. Pilot in general is higher than most other large fuel retailers.
    Every market has a station who is the leading loss leader.
    Kinda like cases of water at grocery stores pre-COVID.
    Louisiana Tech University
    Flagship of the University of Louisiana System

  12. #2832
    Administrator Dwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond repute Dwayne From Minden's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Consumers are typically paying $0.30 (low end) to $0.50 per gallon over invoice bulk price from the jobber -

    It is not on futures -

    Fuelman cards (bulk) run about $0.20 to $0.25 per gallon

    Here at the parish we are paying $0.09 per gallon thru out local jobber over invoice

    The old saying that stations are only making a NICKEL a gallon is absolute bullshit
    ''Don't be a bad dagh..."

  13. #2833
    Champ dawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond reputedawg80 has a reputation beyond repute dawg80's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by Dwayne From Minden View Post
    Consumers are typically paying $0.30 (low end) to $0.50 per gallon over invoice bulk price from the jobber -

    It is not on futures -

    Fuelman cards (bulk) run about $0.20 to $0.25 per gallon

    Here at the parish we are paying $0.09 per gallon thru out local jobber over invoice

    The old saying that stations are only making a NICKEL a gallon is absolute bullshit
    Where(from who) do the jobbers buy their bulk supply from? Probably a wholesaler who in turns buys from...the oil companies, i.e. some holding company, whose own cost basis is dynamic depending on the price of oil on the world market.

    Locally (regionally) we have Lott Oil, Co. which supplies local/regional stations. Lott does not drill and then refine its own oil to produce gasoline. Lott buys the gasoline, in bulk, and then resells it with a mark up. Actually, I see Lott operates in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas. Their price from their distributor varies month to month, perhaps more often, because that supplier never knows what their price is going to be over a certain period of time, because....[drum roll] ultimately at the beginning of the supply chain the sale of oil FUTURES determines the price structure for everyone...right down to the consumer at the pump.

    Now, FUTURES does not account for all the hanky panky that goes on along the supply chain, nor does it totally account for local market conditions, but it is the root of the whole system.

  14. #2834
    Super Moderator PawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond reputePawDawg has a reputation beyond repute PawDawg's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    My problem is that some chains and some of their individual outlets (like Pilot and Pilot WM) go up based on what is being reported and not on what they actually have invested. Some call that capitalism, but I call it price gouging. The water analogy TMo used is a prime example. Toilet paper is another over simplified example.

    When I see the truck backed up to the Brookshires, Super One, or Walmart dump I know the price is about to go up or down. They NEVER adjust the day before the truck delivers like Pilot does and Pilot is ALWAYS the last to go down in price.

  15. #2835
    Progressive King of 2011 Dawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond reputeDawgpix has a reputation beyond repute Dawgpix's Avatar
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    Re: Peanut Buckets Coming to DAWGTOWN

    Quote Originally Posted by PawDawg View Post
    My problem is that some chains and some of their individual outlets (like Pilot and Pilot WM) go up based on what is being reported and not on what they actually have invested. Some call that capitalism, but I call it price gouging. The water analogy TMo used is a prime example. Toilet paper is another over simplified example.

    When I see the truck backed up to the Brookshires, Super One, or Walmart dump I know the price is about to go up or down. They NEVER adjust the day before the truck delivers like Pilot does and Pilot is ALWAYS the last to go down in price.
    Looking at the big picture . . . . do you think the overall price of gas is cheaper here in NELA than other parts of the country?
    In my travels from South Carolina to Arkansas to Omaha to San Antonio, I find the pricing cheaper
    Louisiana Tech University
    Flagship of the University of Louisiana System

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