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Thread: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

  1. #31
    Bulldog lillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nice
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    I was just asking if anyone had any connections with home improvement stores or anything save us a little cash.

  2. #32
    Bulldog lillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nice
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    Update: I am waiting on the new dean of Liberal Arts(I don't know who that is yet) to give final approval. Hopefully that will not be much longer.

  3. #33
    Champ Dawg06 has a reputation beyond reputeDawg06 has a reputation beyond reputeDawg06 has a reputation beyond reputeDawg06 has a reputation beyond reputeDawg06 has a reputation beyond reputeDawg06 has a reputation beyond reputeDawg06 has a reputation beyond reputeDawg06 has a reputation beyond reputeDawg06 has a reputation beyond reputeDawg06 has a reputation beyond reputeDawg06 has a reputation beyond repute Dawg06's Avatar
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    Is there any effort to send the band to the Southern Miss game?

  4. #34
    Administrator DocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond reputeDocMarvin362 has a reputation beyond repute DocMarvin362's Avatar
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    Quote Originally Posted by Dawg06 View Post
    Is there any effort to send the band to the Southern Miss game?
    Bruce Van De Velde Athletics Director (318)257-3247 vandevelde@latech.edu
    Lori Hamilton Assistant to Athletics Director (318)257-4827 lori@latech.edu
    Eric Buskirk Associate Athletics Director - External Affairs & Administration (318)257-2933 ebuskirk@latech.edu
    Leah Beasley Assistant Athletics Director - Marketing and Game Management (318)257-5332 lbeasley@latech.edu
    Jim Robken Director of Bands (318) 257-4233 jrobken@latech.edu

  5. #35
    Bulldog lillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nice
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    I was wondering that myself. I will ask JRob that this week if I can get a chance.

  6. #36
    Champ ITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond repute ITdrummer's Avatar
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    Quote Originally Posted by lillojo318 View Post
    I was wondering that myself. I will ask JRob that this week if I can get a chance.
    Tell him that he will get the support he needs. All he has to do is ask.

  7. #37
    Bulldog lillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nice
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    I will let him know that.

  8. #38
    Bulldog lillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nice
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    UPDATE: Chances of us going to Southern Miss are slim to none. Band camp won't be starting until Sept 2 but who knows what might happen. Second, a new dean has been named, but won't be official until Sept 1 maybe then I can get the account opened up. Also, I am working on trying to get some Corporate sponsors. If anyone knows a business who would like to be our sponsor then let me know. I do have a sponsorship letter made out.

  9. #39
    Champ DellDawg has a reputation beyond reputeDellDawg has a reputation beyond reputeDellDawg has a reputation beyond reputeDellDawg has a reputation beyond reputeDellDawg has a reputation beyond reputeDellDawg has a reputation beyond reputeDellDawg has a reputation beyond reputeDellDawg has a reputation beyond reputeDellDawg has a reputation beyond reputeDellDawg has a reputation beyond reputeDellDawg has a reputation beyond repute DellDawg's Avatar
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    Why would Robken start band camp on the 2nd knowing the first game is on the 3rd. What does he think the band is for?

  10. #40
    Champ ITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond repute ITdrummer's Avatar
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    Quote Originally Posted by DellDawg View Post
    Why would Robken start band camp on the 2nd knowing the first game is on the 3rd. What does he think the band is for?
    Costs a lot of money to feed that many people. Trust me, if Robken had a choice, camp would start in mid-August.

  11. #41
    Champ Cool Hand Clyde has a reputation beyond reputeCool Hand Clyde has a reputation beyond reputeCool Hand Clyde has a reputation beyond reputeCool Hand Clyde has a reputation beyond reputeCool Hand Clyde has a reputation beyond reputeCool Hand Clyde has a reputation beyond reputeCool Hand Clyde has a reputation beyond reputeCool Hand Clyde has a reputation beyond reputeCool Hand Clyde has a reputation beyond reputeCool Hand Clyde has a reputation beyond reputeCool Hand Clyde has a reputation beyond repute
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    Quote Originally Posted by ITdrummer View Post
    Costs a lot of money to feed that many people. Trust me, if Robken had a choice, camp would start in mid-August.
    The choice is to get the money secured to move it up. It doesn't have to be public funds.

  12. #42
    Bulldog lillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nicelillojo318 is just really nice
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    The main problem is our budget has been cut. I don't know by how much but we did take a hit. The costs to feed and now the hassle with housing is costing us to push it back later than normal.

  13. #43
    Champ ITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond repute ITdrummer's Avatar
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    Quote Originally Posted by lillojo318 View Post
    The main problem is our budget has been cut. I don't know by how much but we did take a hit. The costs to feed and now the hassle with housing is costing us to push it back later than normal.
    This has always been a battle.

  14. #44
    Varsity Bulldog Monroe Dawg Ultimate jerk and not worth your timeMonroe Dawg Ultimate jerk and not worth your timeMonroe Dawg Ultimate jerk and not worth your timeMonroe Dawg Ultimate jerk and not worth your timeMonroe Dawg Ultimate jerk and not worth your timeMonroe Dawg Ultimate jerk and not worth your timeMonroe Dawg Ultimate jerk and not worth your timeMonroe Dawg Ultimate jerk and not worth your timeMonroe Dawg Ultimate jerk and not worth your timeMonroe Dawg Ultimate jerk and not worth your timeMonroe Dawg Ultimate jerk and not worth your time
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    Quote Originally Posted by ITdrummer View Post
    This has always been a battle.

    What do you need the La Tech family to do? We also need to make sure r blues are there as well!!

  15. #45
    Champ ITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond reputeITdrummer has a reputation beyond repute ITdrummer's Avatar
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    Re: NEW Band Organization Tau Upsilon Beta Alpha

    Quote Originally Posted by Monroe Dawg View Post
    What do you need the La Tech family to do? We also need to make sure r blues are there as well!!
    I'm not the one to talk to.

    jrobken@latech.edu it the man to speak to.

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