For our ultra libs on BB&B to read.

May 2nd, 2011
03:40 PM ET

Limbaugh: 'Thank God for President Obama'
By: CNN's Rebecca Stewart
Washington (CNN)- Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh first heaped praise upon President Obama only to then qualify his remarks during his syndicated daily show Monday after saying, "Thank God for President Obama."
In a veiled critique, Limbaugh first praised Obama's role in the operation against Osama bin Laden, but later turned sarcastically critical.

"I, me, my, three of the most used words in President Obama's media appearance last night, not a single intelligence adviser, not a single national security adviser, military adviser, came up with the idea...not one of them... according to Obama, had the ability to understand the need to get DNA. This was Obama's message last night," Limbaugh said.
He credited Obama with continuing the "Bush policies" of keeping a military presence in the Middle East and refusing to "scrub the mission to get bin Laden" early in his program.
"Ladies and gentleman, we need to open the program today by congratulating President Obama," he said. "President Obama has done something extremely effective, and when he does, this needs to be pointed out."
And Limbaugh seemingly gushed about the commander-in-chief's competency following what he called the "assassination" of Osama bin Laden Sunday.
"You see the military wanted to go in there and bomb, like they always do…But President Obama, perhaps the only qualified member in the room to deal with this, insisted on the special forces," he explained.
"Our military wanted to go in there and just scorch the earth leaving no evidence of anything after the mission. But President Obama single-handedly understood what was at stake here. He alone understood the need to get DNA to prove the death, Obama alone understood the aftermath."
According to Limbaugh, Obama's success must be linked to former President George W. Bush.
"We need to never forget that President Obama deserves praise for continuing the policies established by George W. Bush which led to the learning, the acquisition of this intel that led us to the enlarged hut in Pakistan that led to the assassination of bin Laden last night," he declared.
"Thank God for President Obama. If he had not been there, who knows what would've happened."