View Poll Results: Should BB&B give away "got blue?" shirts

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  • Yes

    55 78.57%
  • No

    15 21.43%
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Thread: Should BB&B have "got blue?" T-shirts made-up

  1. #16
    Champ TECHAJUN is just really niceTECHAJUN is just really niceTECHAJUN is just really niceTECHAJUN is just really niceTECHAJUN is just really niceTECHAJUN is just really niceTECHAJUN is just really niceTECHAJUN is just really niceTECHAJUN is just really niceTECHAJUN is just really niceTECHAJUN is just really nice TECHAJUN's Avatar
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    I like the idea of putting the web address on the back of the shirt big enough so people can read it---on the front -some suggestions:
    "this IS the color"
    "true blue crew" our tailgate crew is using TRUE BLUE KREWE
    "WHY BLUE?" then underneath it in smaller letters--''see back"
    "I GOT BLUE" sorry Todd
    "blue is the color of my true love's--- university" ah corny

  2. #17
    Champ aubunique seems to have something between the earsaubunique seems to have something between the earsaubunique seems to have something between the earsaubunique seems to have something between the earsaubunique seems to have something between the earsaubunique seems to have something between the earsaubunique seems to have something between the ears aubunique's Avatar
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    Yes, but we need to do it as economically as possible. Are there some blue shirts available at cost from one of the groups that have been selling them?
    I almost had the 2003 pride pin design made into a screen for printing on blue shirts. However, I didn't believe I had the energy or time to sell enough to pay for the project quickly. Instead, I made a bunch of heat transfers in various sizes and spent as much as a screen would cost, after buying a few shirts. However, the screen would be in only one size.
    I have a few of the heat-transferred shirts for sale, although I haven't tried to sell them yet. We did sell one at the Miami game to a woman who asked about the ones we were wearing and bought a shirt for $15 rather than a pin for $5.
    At this moment, I suspect that, between the bookstore, the alumni association, the team store, the chamber of commerce and whoever else has actually had blue shirts printed with something in the past few years, there are a good many to be had at cost if someone could make the contacts. Those would be the ones to buy low and give away, unless some company wants to sponsor something, such as the credit-card company, which I didn't see at games so far this year, or one of the banks or someone.
    A problem is that some of the Tech shirts have too much big lettering and don't have a message good for the long term.
    A shirt we produce ourselves should have a dignified logo representing BBB and Tech with both front and back carrying a complete ID, either state and T or Louisiana Tech at a minimum. Some people prefer huge logos and letters. Some just want a pocket-size T shirt logo or whatever. Never produce anything that doesn't have either the full name Lousiana Tech University or the state and T in some form. Tech alone means little outside north Louisiana except to very sports-knowledgeable people.
    Free, however, means gathering whatever we can to make it work out because we would be paying for it.
    Lauren and I have been wearing blue T shirts with the heat-transfers and then washing them by hand and hanging them to dry, because the transfers are damaged by hot water and a hot dryer.
    I believe we need to research the availability of shirts already blue and printed with something acceptable to give FREE this season and maybe through winter and spring sports and put together a design before next season that will SELL well, both to US and to the PUBLIC.

  3. #18
    Administrator Dwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond reputeDwayne From Minden has a reputation beyond repute Dwayne From Minden's Avatar
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    Aub - if we do this we are not worried about "SELLING" the shirts -

    We would decide on how much to spend - go to Tommy's Tee's and get the cheapest shirt possible -

    The fewer the letters the lower the cost -

    This wouldn't be a fund raiser it would be an ATTENTION RAISER -

    Basically we are saying when we give it too them - THIS IS BLUE - WEAR IT!

    Champ110 might be correct - the easiest thing to do might would be to put -

    BB&B over the left breast and the url on the back -

    Once they got here, they could read all they wanted to on why they should wear blue...
    ''Don't be a bad dagh..."

  4. #19
    Champ Dirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond reputeDirtydawg has a reputation beyond repute Dirtydawg's Avatar
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    I like Ross's slogan. We cold give them to that SGA group that's trying to increase student attendance and let them wear them and dole them around on campus with the stipulation they must be worn often so that others can see them. We need to get more students to the games and keep them coming. Maybe we could do 2 shirts. One aimed at student attendance and one at others to wear blue. To be honest, I think a minimal effort needs to be done now on the blue. I think that the more people come, the more blue they will see then they will realize that they need to wear blue. I say our main focus needs to be on increasing attendance, especially student attendance.

  5. #20
    Champ NathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond repute NathanDarby's Avatar
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    I think it is a great idea. However, I think people will be more likely to actually wear a shirt with a catchy slogan on it that one with just the web address. And they will definately be more likely to wear a "cool" shirt with a catchy slogan to future games, which is the whole point of doing this in the first place. I still say incorporate the web address somewhere on the shirt, but don't make it the only thing on the shirt.

    Just my 2 cents

  6. #21
    Big Dog DarboneDon is just really niceDarboneDon is just really niceDarboneDon is just really niceDarboneDon is just really niceDarboneDon is just really niceDarboneDon is just really niceDarboneDon is just really niceDarboneDon is just really niceDarboneDon is just really nice
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    How about "FILL THE STADIUM!!!"
    COUNT ON ME!!!!

  7. #22
    Administrator EJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud of EJ's Avatar
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    How about "Gitcho Blue On"... an alteration of CK3's "Gitcho Bark On"


  8. #23
    Champ markay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant futuremarkay714 has a brilliant future markay714's Avatar
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    My sister has gotten all over me about the blue shirts available from the bookstore and even the alumni shirts. She wants something in the right blue that has Louisiana Tech University and nothing else. I know - she's an odd duck, but perhaps she's not the only one. She wore red - much to my embarassment to the Miami game because she lacked something she'd wear in blue. She got right for Boise this week. Perhaps she's not alone, but she HATES "Bring It On" and Tech Fans Wear Blue - and every other t-shirt she saw. She called me to tell me about this thread and said I needed to post that they just need to have classey blue shirts available and more people will wear blue. So, I've said it. Now, her girls, I've threatened MANY times to dress appropriately in Tech cheerleader outfits and those they had in the bookstore didn't even look blue and cute enough for me on Saturday to spend the money on my future Tech girls - 2 and almost 9 months.

    I expect that as we go to the consistent blue more people will follow along. Meantime, we probably need to do a survey and find out why - and try to address their need. I love the idea of a BBB blue shirt and I don't mind making it hokey as possible - complete with our site location. Perhaps plain jane blue w/ Tech on it might be good for the giveaway ones.

    Of course, my cheap sister would then probably not wear blue on purpose just so she could get a free one! So there, sis!!! She's been a frequent reader and has laughed at me many times for my posts - maybe some day she'll actually sign up and write something!

  9. #24
    Champ aubunique seems to have something between the earsaubunique seems to have something between the earsaubunique seems to have something between the earsaubunique seems to have something between the earsaubunique seems to have something between the earsaubunique seems to have something between the earsaubunique seems to have something between the ears aubunique's Avatar
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    Yes, Markay, in my lengthy earlier post I asserted that giveaway shirts and shirts to sell may be quite different. Our first goal is to increase the number of people wearing blue by making it impossible for them to use any excuse. That means that handing them a blue shirt no matter the message might be enough to get most to wear it at the game. That is one of the nice things about the little pride pins.
    A person can buy a good quality blue T shirt for between $2 and $4 at a discount store or USA Drugs or Walgreens or dollar store and wear the pin to make it a Tech shirt. For many people, the pins are about as large a logo as they feel comfortable wearing. Others like a state and T as big as their back. Dwayne, selling BBB shirts is one way to pay for shirts to give away.

    Giving shirts with season tickets would be a great idea.
    Many people won't wear shirts with ANY writing on them. Others have personal limits on how tacky the message can be, even at a football game.

  10. #25
    Champ champion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond reputechampion110 has a reputation beyond repute
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    At some basketball games, ponpoms are handed out at the door to everyone. I wonder if we could convince whomever makes these to start making them solid blue instead of red/blue. Those could be handed out at the games too. Either that or the fans. I think the fans have sponsors names on them.

    Anyway, people will use those if they have them. It would look good for everyone to be using those at the same time in the stadium. A sea of blue would be seen.

    I know, off topic, but this requires just seeing if they could be changed in color and handed out at football games, as well.

  11. #26
    Champ NathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond reputeNathanDarby has a reputation beyond repute NathanDarby's Avatar
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    I REALLY like the idea of sending out shirts with season tickets. Just ask them a shirt size for each ticket purchased, and send the shirts with the tickets. Make a unique shirt that only season ticket holders get to wear. The cost would be very little, bulk t-shirts are cheap. You could even raise the price of season tickets a couple of bucks to cover the cost and I don't think anyone would much notice.

  12. #27
    2003 BB&B Basketball Pick 'Em Champion inudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond reputeinudesu has a reputation beyond repute inudesu's Avatar
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    Here is my 2 yen:

    Why not blue shirts with a big white (or black, or red)
    on the front. On the back:
    If you want to know what this means go to:
    or something like that. Maybe a State-T on there somewhere.

    On the start page have a link that says something like "what is 青?" When clicked on, it would take you to a "why should you wear blue" type page. Some kind of history kind of thing. Like, "If you go to most big time college football games, you always tend to notice the home team's fans dressed in a solid color (here we have pictures from K-State, O-State, Arkansas, even LSU). This tends to show the home team they are supported, presents a united front against the visiting team, and looks great on tv or in person from across the stadium". (We can even try to get a former player to talk about what it feels like to see and hear a "sea of red" at Nebraska or Bama). Then we can talk about how Tech has some room to grow in this area. We could even explain the reasons (confusion over red or blue, different shades of blue in the past). Then we describe the "wear blue" capaign. And by the way, 青 means "blue".

    We could also include many links to stuff like "Tech Football History", the Spirit of 88 thread, a list of Bulldogs in the NFL, etc. I didn't know anything about Tech's tradition when I enrolled. Once we get them to the site, we can use the chance to educate folks, not to mention get them involved with the other stuff on the board. Might open some eyes to see how much BBB donates to Tech.

    I know this may sound funny, but it might help us with what we are trying to do here. When I was still in America (and I think still now) the Chinese characters were really popular for t-shirts, tatoos, car decals, and jewelry.I remember kids in my high school wearing necklaces that said "strength" or "wisdom" or something like that. I actually just read an article about how popular they are for tatoos in America (the Japanese aren't much on tatoos except for the mafia, but even when they get them, they would never get a chinese character - which they use, with different pronounciations). Part of the appeal is that they look "cool", and 青, certainly is cool, but this writer said that a big part of it was "being in on something."

    You know, if you have "angel" or "Momma" or something tatooed on your arm in Chinese, YOU choose who is "in" on what it says. For the most part, if you don't tell them (and they aren't Chinese, Japanese, or an older Korean) they can't read it. It makes them feel a part of something special. That is how we want them to see Tech (and wearing blue).
    So, to sum up, I think this helps us in several ways:

    1. Cool looking shirt. People love those Kanji (the chinese writing) even when they don't know what it says.

    2. People will have to look here to see what it means (or if they are engineers, I guess they could ask a Grad. Asst.)

    3. People who don't even get a shirt may get curious and look at BBB.

    4. Once they get here, we can sell the wear blue concept a little, and Tech in general for that matter.

    5. Every other time they wear the shirt, they have to either explain the "wear blue" deal, or direct the asker to BBB.

    6. Did I mention it would make a really cool shirt?

  13. #28
    Varsity Bulldog Rossp917 is an unknown
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    I agree that the square certainly is cool.

    I'm assuming that you placed a japanese character there, and I do not have the language pack installed?

  14. #29
    Champ ChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond reputeChuckK3 has a reputation beyond repute
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    I voted no on the "Got Blue" idea. I realized it was time to retire the "Got ____?" when i saw a Richard Ieyoub supporter wearing "Got Ieyoub?"

    Anyway...I really like the Tee shirts that Eric and Amy worked so hard on a couple of years back. They have washed well and still look good.

    I LOVE the graphic. Could we update it with the new URL and do the printing in white on a royal blue heavy tee? Since the graphic is already done it might lower our costs some...

    If not, how about "GITCHO BARK ON!"

  15. #30
    Administrator EJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud ofEJ has much to be proud of EJ's Avatar
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    Thanks for the compliments on the old shirts. I have always wanted to do a second round using blue shirts.

    I like the "Gitcho Bark On"

    How about "Gitcho Blue on" :wink:

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